New Economics for A Borderless World
Creates a New Bureau For Business
- By the end of 2019, China's Internet users had reached 904 million people, which is an increase of 75.08 million peopleat the end of 2018. Further, internet penetration had reached 64.5%, which is an increase of 4.9 percentage points over the end of 2018.
- There is also an increase of 79.92 million for the number of mobile Internet users which reached 897 million at the end of 2018.
- The number of active social media users has increased by 1.5% since last April 2019. In China, the average per person spends 5 hours and 50 minutes on the Internet every day. It occupying for more than one-third of our waking time, which indicates that 2 hours and 12 minutes are spent on social media.a
- RABBIT-B accumulates a strong database and experienced marketing, technology, operations, and other teams to help enterprises better tap the user needs of data. It greatly explores the driving force and growth possibilities of consumer-centric innovative brands in the digital age.。
在变局之中 创造出业务的新局
- 截至2019年年底,我国网民规模达9.04亿人,较2018年年底增长7508万人,互联网普及率达64.5%,较2018年年底提升4.9个百分点
- 手机网民规模达8.97亿人,较2018年年底增长7992万人。
- 自去年4月以来,活跃的社交媒体用户数量增长了1.5%。在中国,平均每人每天在互联网上花费5小时50分钟,占据我们清醒时间的三分之一以上,其中,2小时12分钟花在社交媒体上。
- RABBIT-B积累的强大数据库及经验丰富的营销、技术、运营等团队,帮助企业更好的挖掘数据下的用户需求,探索数字时代以消费者为中心的创新品牌驱动力和成长可能性。